You're summer shall be filled with BJs!
The Blue Jackets season comes to an end tonight but that doesn't mean the fun has to stop. From here on out I promise to update this site regularly with everything and anything Blue Jackets related. Here are some of the things I have planned for this summer.
- the first annual BJs awards: this year they will be decided by me but next year i'm depending on fans to help me.
- New Fan of Hockey? : New fans show up in big numbers in two places, stanley cup champions and teams less than 15 years old. I will provide a history of hockey, a history of the Blue Jackets, and a few "Hockey for Newbs" posts.
- What they need to work on to make the BJs spectacular and who stepped up this season.
- Summer Commentary : look out boys I will be commentating on just about anything I hear about you guys this summer. If you go to a bar wearing a glitter fanny pack, i'll know and then the whole world will know.
- Much much more :) Don't hesitate to let me know if their is something you would like me to post.
<3 I scream, you scream, we all scream for a summer filled with BJs <3
and i'm going to make that happen for you